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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Randomly, for tonight

  1. I will just look at those picture. It makes me smile.
  2. I will hear to the songs that makes me feel alive again.
  3. I will enjoy my second bath in one day.
  4. I will sing out loud and dance.
  5. I will write and write and write and write until no more pages left.
  6. I will keep dreaming something that will never happen.
  7. I will eat chocolate again and again.
  8. I will do something that I like, snapping.
  9. I will cheer myself with people around me.
  10. I will be deaf when I hear some annoying noise outside there.
  11. I will never cut my wrist, it is stupid.
  12. I will never take dog's shit, ecstasy, drugs etc.
  13. I will never do suicide eventhough I'd think about it many times before. 
  14. I will sit down and read my most favourite books and comics.
  15. I will lay down with my pants and shirts on.
  16. I will hug my teddy bears that was bought for me from my mom.
  17. I will read the old messages in my Save Messages, twice before I sleep.
  18. I will hear to a soft lullaby, River Flows in You.
  19. I need to eat more and more when I feel pain in my head.
  20. I will have my sight on random blogs.
  21. I will sleep without anyone beside me.
  22. I will never trust someone that dont trust me.
  23. I will never miss someone that dont really appreciate me.
I love my life and I wont ruin it with someting reckless.

thanks for reading (:

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