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Monday, March 19, 2012


Hm. Weh, aku misery lagi. Bajet macam dah healed, tapi the wound is still there, dia taknak baik baik and just sometimes, it will still bleeding, randomly. Geramnya. Tapi aku tak kesah pun, taknak susahkan orang dengan masalah aku lagi.

Apa mana kau tau wajah yang tersenyum setiap hari tu, bagaimana waktu malamnya, waktu tidurnya? Aku belajar dalam hidup, kalau cerita kat siapa-siapa pun masalah kau, bukannya depa boleh tolong sangat, yes sekadar bagi nasihat mungkin. The rest is up to you, yourself, macam mana nak selesaikan. Betul tak?

Mengerekot peluk bintang coklat dan berusaha untuk tidur (since ada insomnia ni), dan ye, wondering what tomorrow will be like, staring to that plain ceiling, listening to the roommate's snores, and just keep on praying, wishing everything will be okay. 

thanks for reading (:

Saturday, March 17, 2012


While I was applying some lotion onto my dry skin, I listen to my sister, reciting Qur'an. And slowly, I try to recite the Asma'ul Husna. Its been a while and I thought I can still remember all 99 of Allah's name but unfortunately, I can only remember half of it, and the rest is just vivid. Do you know what I feel? I feel empty, for a while. And I'm trying my best, trying to remember the rest. I even search into Google, *smile* and trying to memorize it all over again. Alhamdulillah :) 

thanks for reading (:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"I'm no longer your muse." - The One That Got Away by Katy Perry

Kalau ada angin dekat tingkat atas, aku lari terus masuk bilik tutup pintu rapat-rapat, berbungkuskan selimut dan berbantal-bantal dan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk cool down dan akhirnya akan terus tertidur. Ada tahap sampai rasa jantung dah terkeluar, sarung tudung dan terus keluar rumah main buaian, bawah lebih selamat bagi aku. Hehh. Merepek.

Kelas aku hari ni habis awal dari biasa sebab lecturer takde. Tadi. Aku lepak dalam bilik dengar lagu sambil fikiran melayang entah ke mana. Dari celah-celah headphone aku yang canggih ni aku dapat dengar bunyi desiran pokok (desiran ke, ah mampus lah), aku tengok pokok yang besar tu, tengok tengok dan terus tengok. Sedap jugak rasa angin ni sebenarnya.

Aku nampak mama, aku nampak papa, aku nampak adik-adik aku, aku nampak result mid term aku, aku nampak result final aku, aku nampak kawan-kawan aku, aku nampak benda-benda yang aku suka, tapi yang paling pasti aku nampak KAU lebih lama. Kau.

Apa semua ni? Kadang-kadang susah nak digest benda luar jangkaan ni. Kan?

thanks for reading (:

Long way to go

"Para Para Paradise, everytime she close her eyes." - Paradise by Coldplay

Sometimes I got confused with so many things that happen in my daily life, most of the time perhaps. I'm trying to face it, strongly and being grateful to have a life to live, at least, and not keep on complaining about this and that. There are so many things I've got to do in such a short period, hard but I still have to walk through it and face it.

All I've got to do is pray and try my best, no? *smile*

thanks for reading (:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Voice

There is a voice inside of you.
That whispers all day long.
"I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
or wise man can decide.
What's right for you, just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.

thanks for reading (:

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Stars. Atau bintang. Aku dah jumpa satu bintang yang terang, yang aku nak simpan rapi-rapi. Tapi bintang tu masih jauh lagi, masih tak dapat nak capai lagi. Kalau bintang tu di depan mata aku pun mungkin aku takkan dapat capai lagi. Belum masanya lagi, mungkin. Walaupun aku sangat pasti thats the one, thats the star yang I want to keep for my lifetime, tapi boleh jadi juga bintang tu tak sesuai, mungkin terlalu cerah dan mungkin boleh merosakkan lagi mata aku. Sementara ada waktu ni, biarkan aku teman bintang tu sampai dia jumpa dengan yang sesuai.

thanks for reading (:

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