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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tik Tok Tik Tok

So as usual, as a normal human being, as a normal students, I'm going back to the roots. Nahh I guess it suppose to be said going back to the climax of my life. Come on UIA students, hold on tight and fight fight fight. Kita jangan biar soalan cakap kita bodoh, kita yang kena bodohkan dia. Err tu En Michael Simon kata. Pfft.

I've spent too much time on things that are not so important the whole 10 days of holiday. Regret? No. Pandai buat pandai tanggung la kan. Memang, seminggu ni memang tak sempat nak struggle betul-betul nak habiskan semua. But I am going to do my very best so that I can proof, I can be a lot better from day to day, everyday.

These two three days I'm doing well. I'm happy. And did not feel guilty for not reading and studying books. Teehee :D I know I can grow out from those bloody hell problems. I'm happy and soon will be happier. I know I will, walaupun macam lambat sikit.

Tu la aku cakap, Allah is always there for you. Keep praying and dont lose hope. And at the same time, try to change to a better person. Jangan cepat puas hati dengan diri sendiri, diri kau belum cukup hebat dan berkuasa tau. Ohh apa emo emo ni Yaya? Eh tak, I'm just giving advice dan peringatan jerr. Daaa

thanks for reading (:

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