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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Memoirs of a Geisha

I finished Memoirs of a Geisha about 4 weeks before. It takes me about one week to finished them all. And yes, I was initially freaked out by the bookcover.

It was a good read. Sad, though. The book pictures women of that era as mere playthings for men, to be used and thrown away like objects. The whole job of a geisha revolves around prettying up, learning the arts and going through all that training, just attract men. After reading the book, I now know there's a big difference between a prostitute and a geisha. But even so, can you imagine being forced to entertain random strangers to work off a debt? And after that your virginity is put up for auction like a box of doilies? That's just... scary ):

As if having to give yourself to the a dude you don't love isn't bad enough, you can't even date a man you DO love freely. In Sayuri's case, that is. By the end of the book, I guess you could say she ended up with the Chairman. "Happy Ending". But wasn't she just a mistress anyway? ):

I suppose women didn't have much place in the world back then.

I dunno, maybe society at that time was different and "mistress" took on a different meaning. ANYWAY, the book is a gem of details and imagination. When one closes one's eyes reading Geisha, one would easily be immersed in a world of breathtakingly scenery, exquisitely gorgeous kimonos and the beauty of art. You will lose yourself in a different Japan from what we see today.

Definitely worth your time reading (:

Some people call this a love story. But I really wouldn't.

*Pelik lak nape tetibe aku citer sal Geisha kan? hehe

thanks for reading (:

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