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Friday, January 20, 2012


Judgments. I have acknowledge my flaws but why do you have to do it for me? What drives you to blame for what I did? I shelter beneath my delicate pride as your venom spit out of your voracious mouth. I have already controlled by my own sorrow and yet you bested me with my weaknesses.
Sometimes I find myself defeated by these excessive conviction. You cannot find the truth in my existence if your eyes widened with self loathing. I won’t reiterate the immerse failure of your imitation. I won’t lose myself over something that is so frivolous.
Call me a fake. It is nothing but a lie. I will never have the kinds like you by my side because my name will be another excuse for you to grovel in the ill will you called a life.
Nothing can stop me. Not even the fires of envy blaze undying as this innocence is destroyed. These caustic embers yet remain soon to be blown away. You will choke on my name. You will choke of what you have said. I won’t succumb to your pettiness because you are machines of vengeance.
So you talk it but do you even know it? It’s such a reoccurring nightmare when you have become another victim of your deception. I can barely suppress my elation as you are failing in tantrum of hatred. You judged me but now I can see that you are me.

thanks for reading (:

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