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Monday, January 14, 2013

Suatu Hari Nanti..

When I grow up, when I get married, when I have kids, I want to teach them few things. And when they grow older, I'll let them choose which path they want and where their passion belongs to. I won’t pressure them with something they dislike. And definitely, I will always teach them about their religion, which is Islam. Will teach them how to read Qur'an, to send them to Islamic schools and to never forget where they actually belong to, Allah SWT. I want to guide them well.

Aku tahu sekarang masih terlalu awal untuk berbicara tentang ini. Diri sendiri masih terlalu kurang dari semua aspek. Aku akan perbaiki diri dari hari ke hari. Aku masih takut. Tapi tadi aku tiba tiba terfikir saja, aku mahu the future Nur Hidayah membesarkan mereka dengan didikan agama dan didikan duniawi sebaik mungkin insyaaAllah :) Aku ingin menjadi ibu yang berjaya, persis ibu ku.

thanks for reading (:

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