Thursday, January 17, 2013
Aku jarang mengingatimu ya Allah, namun kau tetap berikan
aku kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga. Bersyukurnya aku ya Allah
:') Harini adalah antara hari hari yang dipenuhi dengan kebahagiaan.
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah ya Allah. Bibir dan hati ini masih belum boleh
berhenti dari memanjatkan kesyukuran kepada-Nya. Dengan segera aku khabarkan
kepada kedua ibu bapaku, kepada adik-adikku, dan si ‘dia’. Berterima kasih atas
segala pengorbanan yang telah mereka lakukan untuk seorang budak yang suka buat
masalah ni. Hihi. Tidak lupa juga kepada rakan rakan yang bertanya dan kucing
kesayangan. Eh? ;)
You have to work hard and smart. Struggle. And never forget
Allah and your family, as they're always there for you through easy and hard
times. Be grateful for whatever you have in your life. Good luck guys. May
Allah bless you :*
Story by
Hidayah Razali
10:41 PM
1 said something
Monday, January 14, 2013
pertemuan ada perpisahan. Setiap kesedihan, pasti ada kebahagiaanya. Setiap
perit dan sakit yang aku rasa, aku tahu akan berbalas dengan nikmat yang tidak
terhingga dari Allah SWT. Jika perpisahan itu sudah ditakdirkan, aku redha dan
aku tetap disini. Mahu membesar dengan baik. Mahu membuatnya bangga. Mahu
menyayangi dia. Dan mahu tetap berada disisi sehingga ke akhirnya.
pasti menusuk sekali sekala, tatkala memori bermain di minda, sakit itu ada.
Titisan air mata itu tanda aku rindu. Titisan air mata itu tanda aku tidak
percaya. Titisan air mata itu tanda aku mahu semua jadi seperti dulu. Tapi mana
mungkin. Untuk itu, aku tetap tabah. Dan mendoakan yang terbaik untuk keduanya.
Kasih dan
sayang aku tetap sama. Tidak berubah. Tiada yang lebih, tiada yang kurang. Kita bukan berpisah, cuma dijauhkan jarak. Semoga kita diberi kekuatan oleh Nya. Semoga Allah memelihara hati kita. Biar fizikal jauh, tapi hati kita dekat.
Story by
Hidayah Razali
11:46 PM
said something
Suatu Hari Nanti..
When I grow up, when I get married, when I have kids, I want
to teach them few things. And when they grow older, I'll let them choose which
path they want and where their passion belongs to. I won’t pressure them with
something they dislike. And definitely, I will always teach them about their
religion, which is Islam. Will teach them how to read Qur'an, to send them to Islamic
schools and to never forget where they actually belong to, Allah SWT. I want to
guide them well.
Aku tahu sekarang masih terlalu awal untuk berbicara tentang ini. Diri sendiri masih terlalu kurang dari semua aspek. Aku akan perbaiki diri dari hari ke hari. Aku masih takut. Tapi tadi aku tiba tiba terfikir saja, aku mahu the future Nur Hidayah membesarkan mereka dengan didikan agama dan didikan duniawi sebaik mungkin insyaaAllah :) Aku ingin menjadi ibu yang berjaya, persis ibu ku.
Aku tahu sekarang masih terlalu awal untuk berbicara tentang ini. Diri sendiri masih terlalu kurang dari semua aspek. Aku akan perbaiki diri dari hari ke hari. Aku masih takut. Tapi tadi aku tiba tiba terfikir saja, aku mahu the future Nur Hidayah membesarkan mereka dengan didikan agama dan didikan duniawi sebaik mungkin insyaaAllah :) Aku ingin menjadi ibu yang berjaya, persis ibu ku.
Story by
Hidayah Razali
11:21 PM
said something
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Merindukan "dia" yg diciptakan oleh Allah SWT utk ku.
InsyaaAllah. Doakan kebahagiaan kami.
Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan di dunia dan di akhirat.
Ameen :)
Story by
Hidayah Razali
2:03 AM
said something
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
How tough is it to Lower our Gaze?
I've heard a Hadith that says that Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) once asked the Sahabi what the most precious thing for a woman was. None of the Sahaba replied, but Ali (ral) went home and repeated to the question to Fatimah (ral) to which she replied that the best thing for a woman is that she is neither seen by any non-mahram men nor does she see any non-mahrams. Ali (ral) repeated this answer to Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) and when asked who told Ali (ral) the answer, he replied it was Fatimah (ral). Prophet Muhammad (sallalu alaihi wasallam) then said, "Fatimah bint Muhammad, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Fatimah bint Muhammad. Fathima is really the son of Muhammad".
I know it's tough to lower our gazes, particularly when a good looking man or a pretty girl is right in front of your eyes. But that's what we have to do. And it's not impossible. I've really thought that lowering the gaze, particularly for teenagers is tough, but Masha Allah, my younger sister proved me wrong! I'm extremely proud that she is very, very strict with herself when it comes to lowering her gaze and I pray that Allah gives us the strength to do so.
Now, how to lower our gazes? First, we have to have the firm intention and pray to Allah that He strengthens us. It's a battle against our desires and we're striving against our ownselves solely for the Pleasure of Allah. This, my brothers and sisters, is the greater form of Jihad because this is a battle against yourself, against your desires and against the whispers of Shaytan. It takes huge, huge, courage, but it's possible, provided you have firm Imaan and Taqwa.
Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) said: “You will never give up something for the sake of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, but Allah will replace it with something that is better for you than it.” [Narrated by Ahmad]
When you give up doing something that Allah doesn't like solely for His sake, Allah WILL replace it with something much, much better. So just imagine that a really good-looking man/girl walks past you, and you lower your gaze, don't you think Allah will replace your sacrifice for something much better? Who knows, you might end up getting married to someone a hundred times more beautiful than the one you thought was beautiful! Subhanallah! No sacrifice of ours goes wasted. Allah will give us a better compensation.
So next time your tempted to look at a non-mahram, however lovely they may be, lower your gaze. This sacrifice of yours would undoubtedly, give you something much better. Something a lot more worth. Just keep this Hadith Qudsi in your mind when your tempted to see a non-mahram:
"The gaze is a poisonous arrow from among the arrows of Iblis (satan). Whoever protected his heart and gaze from this arrow due to My fear, I will grant him the sweetness of Iman that he will perceive in his heart."
Only you know how tough it is to lower your gaze, but your doing it for Allah right? So take that moment to make Dua to Allah. Put forward that sacrifice you did only for His sake and ask Him for whatever you want. Allah will answer it, no doubts about that!
I'm still striving to lower my gaze and although I may not be as successful in doing this as I wanted to be, I'm trying. And I know that when I try for the sake of Allah, Allah will guide me all along the way, In Sha Allah!
Story by
Hidayah Razali
11:06 AM
said something
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Niqab is Necessary in Islam
I already made a post on whether wearing the Niqab is necessary in Islam.
not all people are convinced of the necessity of the Niqab. The other
day in Madrasa, my teacher was explaining the importance of the Niqab in
the light of the Quran and Hadith. I think I wrote everything in my
post about the Niqab being obligatory. But here are a few more proof
that wearing the Niqab is actually very important and obligatory in
People who argue that the Niqab isn't necessary in Islam usually bring forward two Hadith. The first one is:
1) Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: Asma, daughter of AbuBakr, entered upon the Apostle of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma', when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands. (Narrated by Abu Dawood # 4092).
we all know, the Quran wasn't revealed overnight. It was revealed in
stages. Which brings us to the time the verse from Surah Noor was
Narrated Safiya bint Shaiba:
‘Aisha used to say: “When (the Verse): “They should draw their veils over their necks and bosoms,” was revealed, (the ladies) cut their waist sheets at the edges and covered their faces with the cut pieces.” Volume 6, Book 60, Number 282: (Sahih Bukhari)
So, isn't it obvious that the Hadith mentioned above would probably have taken place before the revelation of the verse in Surah Ahzab? Niqab wouldn't have been necessary before that verse was sent down, but it's obvious that the wives and daughters of Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasallam clearly saw the Niqab as obligatory after that verse from Surah Al-Ahzab- which is why they covered their faces immediately after that verse was revealed!
The next Hadith now.
2) The Prophet (saws) said: "A pilgrim woman must neither cover her face nor wear gloves." Related by Bukhari and Ahmad
People who argue that the Niqab isn't necessary bring forward this Hadith too saying that if women weren't required to cover their faces in Hajj they obviously wouldn't have had to cover their faces outside of Hajj as well.
Well, this Hadith doesn't show the Niqab isn't necessary. It shows that the Niqab IS necessary. Doesn't this Hadith actually imply that women outside of their Ihram actually covered their faces? Otherwise, Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) wouldn't have mentioned that women should uncover their faces in Hajj if they weren't required to cover it in the first place.
Furthermore, there is another Hadith that you'll be interested in:
It was narrated that ‘Aa’ishah said: The riders used to pass by us when we were with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in ihraam. When they came near us we would lower our jilbaabs from our heads over our faces, and when they had passed by we would uncover our faces. [Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1562]
You see sisters, this is the difference between us and the Sahabi women. When Allah ordered them to do something, they did it immediately. They recognized that verse in Surah Al-Ahzab. They understood that they were required to cover their faces. So they never hesitated in following it.
And we? When the Sahabi women never wasted a minute after that verse was revealed to cover their faces, we spend years and years contemplating- even arguing- that the Niqab isn't necessary!
the women at the time of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam)
covered their faces, shouldn't we be doing it as well? After all, aren't
they the women we should be following?
up to us to decide whether we ought to wear the Niqab or not. I've done
by best explaining it. Following it or not is up to you.
Wallahu 'Alam.
Jazakallah Khair!
Story by
Hidayah Razali
3:13 PM
said something
Friday, January 4, 2013
I am free Muslim niqabi :)
For those who live under the wrong impression that the Niqab limits my freedom, take my word on what freedom really is.
I don't have to enlighten anyone on the time and effort women make to beautify themselves. How many hours do women spend in front of the mirror, applying make-up, choosing the best dress, the best shoes, the best hair-do, the best hairpins, etc, etc, etc? But for whom do they do all this? Are they so insecure with the way they look, that they have to spend hours in front of the mirror beautifying themselves so they look appealing in the eyes of others?
Well, I certainly don't. I'm perfectly secure with the way I am and when I go out with my Niqab, I don't have to spend hours before the mirror beautifying myself for people to see.
I dress for myself. I'm free to dress the way I want. I am free to cover up. I am free to walk outside, knowing fully well that I don't have to impress people to make myself feel secure.
In other words, I am free. So much more free than all those Niqab haters can ever perceive. To them my Niqab might appear to oppress me, but they'll never understand how liberating it is for me and all those countless Niqabis out there.
You know why? Because I don't dress for people or the world. I don't have to follow the latest fashion trends to be beautiful. I don't have to apply make-up to make myself beautiful. I don't have to spend hours before the mirror before going out just so I look presentable to the world.
I wear what I want, for myself and for pleasing Allah. Because only in doing so do am I free. I feel free. I know deep inside of me that I am free.
Story by
Hidayah Razali
10:00 AM
said something
Thursday, January 3, 2013
A Sunnah that Inspired a Man and Woman to Accept Islam
So here is one of those stories I heard in Madrasa. You can read my other post about "A simple Sunnah that inspired a woman to accept Islam".
A husband and wife somewhere in America noticed a group of Muslims eating on the road together from one large plate. Taking it to be unusual behavior, the man and woman approached this group of men who were eating and inquired as to why they were eating this way. (That is, sitting on the floor, eating with the hands and eating from the same plate). The group of Muslims simply said that to eat out of the same plate was a Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) and that eating this way helped to create mutual love and unity among them.
That was all they said, and the couple went home. But this incident just kept coming back to them and both of them decided to eat from one plate as those people had done and see how true it was. Amazingly, after following this Sunnah for a few days, they gradually noticed that they grew in mutual love and affection as those Muslims had mentioned. Amazed by the truth and wisdom behind this simple Sunnah, the couple decided to investigate and research more about Islam, ultimately proclaiming the Kalimah and becoming Muslims. Allahu Akbar!
Isn't is amazing how a simple act of Sunnah can inspire people towards Islam? Dawah needn't necessarily be spread through the mouth; rather, the best kind of Dawah is the guidance you give through your actions.
Our victory lies in the Sunnah and upholding it will be the cause of our salvation and the cause of guidance in other people too In Sha Allah. Dear Muslims, we are the flagbearers of Islam, and we should be an example to people everywhere. Let your speech, your actions, your attitudes and your behavior invite people to Islam. Be a standing inspiration and guidance to all. May Allah help give us the opportunity of being the cause of another person's guidance!
Gotta go! I got exam at 9am :)
Story by
Hidayah Razali
8:52 AM
said something
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Why Are Muslims Against My Niqab?
I've had Muslims call me a 'ninja' for my Niqab and I've seen many Muslims laugh at it. It really hurts to see your own Muslim brother or sister ridiculing something that is encouraged in Islam. Just one word here: If you call me a Ninja or whatever other names you do for my Niqab, you're in fact saying nearly the same thing to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam), his daughters and other Sahabi women. So, weigh your words (insults in this case) before throwing them at Niqabis.
You may not like the Niqab- leave it at that. Don't go about discouraging, insulting or hurting a Niqabi for wearing it. If Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) saw it right for his wives and daughters to wear the Niqab, so do I and so should every true follower of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam). And remember that whether I wear the Niqab or not, I'm still your sister in Islam. Don't change Islam to support your opinion; change your opinions so that it doesn't contradict Islam.
I'm not saying this just for myself- I'm talking here on behalf of all the Niqabis who have to put up with insults from their very own Muslim brothers and sisters.
Underneath the Niqab, is a woman, and that woman is a human being, and every human being has a heart, and every heart has feelings. Please respect that.
Story by
Hidayah Razali
3:20 PM
said something
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
The Wisdom Behind Niqab and Hijab
''O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils all over their bodies. That is most convenient that they should be known and not molested." (Surah Al-Ahzab: 59)
Subhanallah, I couldn't agree any better! But what else can we expect? It's the words of Allah, and the words of Allah are always true.
I know that lots of non-Muslims have a hundred insults up their sleeves for Hijabis and Niqabis, but it's very clear that even under all their insults, they have some respect for Muslim women who are covered as Allah has asked them to. You may wonder why? Well, it's for the simple reason that when you see a woman who respects herself and her body, people are naturally inclined to respect her.
Let's face it. With nudity and semi-nudity becoming ever so apparent and ordinary now, it's a rare sight to see a modest woman. So these women stand out. They demand respect for their modesty. And although a few people may insult them, they are not molested. See, this is exactly what Allah has said in the Quran. These women will be known, not molested. And being insulted is certainly different from being molested. According to the online dictionary, this is what "insulted" and "molested" means:
Insulted: To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness.
To affront or demean.
Molested: To disturb, interfere with, or annoy.
To subject to unwanted or improper sexual activity.
Notice the difference?
I recently read a very interesting story about a sister, who wore the Hijab, but spent about an hour in front of the mirror, accessorizing and beautifying their Hijab. Well, one day, she set outside and was approached by an old man, who tried to engage this sister in some shameful behaviour. It was then that she realized that something of her Hijab, the way she was dressed and the way she carried herself had attracted this man. She realized that her Hijab needed correction. MashaAllah, this sister decided to wear the Jilbab, and Alhamdulillah, she never had any such experiences afterwards. She realized then what Allah meant by the verse "That is most convenient that they should be known and not molested."
Have you ever seen a proper Hijabi being "checked out" by a random man, being invited for a drink and lead on and on? Well, I certainly have not. And why is that? Because men admire and respect Hijabis and Niqabis. They know that their flattering, "checking out" and invitations won't work with such women. They understand that these women are special and they won't for fall for random flings and relationships.
And sisters, if any of you'll have been approached as such by any men, know that you're Hijab needs to be corrected. You believe in the words of Allah right? Then you ought to know that if you wear the Hijab, you will NOT be molested in any way.
Being a Hijabi is such a blessing! It's really a huge gift from Allah. Subhanallah, if only everyone else realized!
Story by
Hidayah Razali
7:47 PM
said something