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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hey girls :)

As long as you cover your aurah PROPERLY, no problem.

thanks for reading (:

Monday, May 14, 2012

I love you Mama

You're 40 something, I'm sorry I can’t remember your actual age because you still seems so pretty, as pretty as you always are. Still seems like the same mother I have 10 years ago. Still sweet as before. Many things do happen in our life this past few.. er years months..I don’t know. I'm growing older, I'm no longer your baby. I'm just a young girl that really understands your feelings. I can no longer sleep beside you, sometimes maybe. I can no longer touch your hair before I fall asleep. I can no longer feel your 'popok' so that I can sleep and dream. Thing just getting harder nowadays. But it’s okay. You're still my mom.

Mom, I don’t have anything much to say and I think even if I write a long essay for you, it'll never be enough to express how much I love you. I've seen so many things happen to you, yet you're still so strong. I want to be like you. I will always love you, no matter what happen.

I miss you, mom. I miss us.
The truth is, I still want to manja manja with you. Nak jadik kecik balik. I dont like being a grown-up. They sucks. Kakak nak main main main. Mengade sana sini. Buat je apa apa sesuka hati kakak. Nak pergi holiday banyak banyak macam dulu, seronok. Kakak paling suka duduk hotel. Haha alamak kena balik dah. Byebye.

Mama, kakak tak matang langsung kan? Bila kakak nak membesar ni? Hikhik -.-

thanks for reading (:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Birthday beloved twins :)

My beloved twins are having their 8th birthday today!
Happy Birthday to both of you darlings!
I love both of you!
May Allah bless both of you.
Ni cupcake utk korang :)

thanks for reading (:

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Me forever alone

Wish I can go somewhere, just anywhere so that I can refresh myself and started to feel alive again. I told you, I wish and I want this May to be awesome. But.. I can see it seems hard to happen. Still counting the days, to the days when everything will be just fine and alright and I'll tell myself, "There you go, here comes your true happiness. After all it's worth fighting for." But when would it be? Wondering. Hmm

So yeah, back to my present life. I'm going to somewhere tomorrow by hook or by crook I don't care. I desperately want to watch Dark Shadows and feel so sad that I can't watch it today. Oh yes not forget to tell you that I'm going to watch it all by myself. Tsk tsk. Me forever alone. Harhar -.-

Psst, seriously 'its' awkward and I am so not okay with that. Pfft :S

I miss you, did you notice that? -.-


thanks for reading (:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

MasyaAllah, Ya Allah!

Astaghfirullahalazim. Its raining, sounds so heavy. Do you still remember the things I used to tell you before? That I got scared easily when its raining and when its windy. And tonight both of them come to greet me. Masya-Allah I really cant stand it, but all I can do is listening to songs. And I found another cover, a lullaby one for me. And it just remind me of my old days at high school, the times when theres so much love for each other. The time of so much ups and downs, well, present is not much different, it just different in so many similar way.

All I can do is to be strong, and have faith in Allah.

thanks for reading (:

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